O projeto CLASS foi inspirado em particular no projeto SCHOLA, que produziu três materiais didáticos.
Ferramenta, publicada por iriv Conseil (2017)
Tutoria publicada pela Universidade Belga Karel de Grote (2018)
Ebook publicado pelo centro de pesquisa esloveno ZRC SAZU (2018)
Os resultados de 3 projetos europeus:
o portfólio para voluntários - UAEB (2003-2006)
O Portfólio para Jovens em Risco de Abandono Escolar (NEET) e Formação / tutoria para educadores que acompanham estes jovens (JUcivol, 2016-2018)
Portfólio VAEB portfólio VAEB, iriv & alii (2003 -2006)
um artigo publicado na revista eslovena Sollsko Polje (2014) explica os fundamentos teóricos da abordagem VAEB para o fracasso escolar - artigo de Sollsko
um artigo escrito para a revista "Traditiones" (2014) do Centro de Pesquisa SAZU do ZRC ilustra as ligações entre altruísmo e alteridade - Artigo Traditiones
Projeto JuCiVol - duas estratégias educacionais
Formação para jovens para melhorar a sua experiência de voluntariado (2018) - disponível em inglês e francês
Tutoria para educadores para que acompanhem os jovens na abordagem proposta por JuCiVol (2018) - em francês e inglês (versões em francês) e (versões em inglês)
As referências propostas baseiam-se na bibliografia proposta para o projeto Schola
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Davis Smith J., Ellis A., Howlett S., O’Brien Ja. (2004), « Volunteering for all ? Exploring the link between volunteering and social exclusion”, London: Institute for Volunteering Research,
Eduscol- Evaluer la maîtrise du socle commun aux cycles 2,3 et 4- dossier actualisé en novembre 2016-
Education Council (2011), Recommendation on policies to reduce early school leaving, Brussels: European Commission, 2011.
European Commission (2000), Charter of Fundamental Rights, Nice :Presidents of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission at the European Council meeting
European Commission (2006), Key competences for lifelong learning, Brussels: European Commission, Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council,
European Commission (2011a), Communication on EU Policies and volunteering: Recognising and Promoting Cross-border Voluntary activities in the EU, Brussels: European Commission, [COM(2011) 568 final].
European Commission (2011b), Tackling early school leaving. A key contribution to the Europe 2020 Agenda, Brussels: European Commission, [COM(2011)18],
European Commission (2011c), Reducing early school leaving - Staff working paper, Brussels: European Commission, [SEC(2011)96].
European Commission (2013), European Year of Citizenship,
GHK (2010), Study on Volunteering in the European Union, Brussels: European Commission, DC EAC.
Glasman D. (2004) Le travail des élèves pour l’école en dehors de l’école, Haut conseil de l’éducation de l’école, n°15, Paris
Gouldner, A. (1975), The importance of something for nothing, in Gouldner (Alvin W.) For sociology, London: Penguin
Guidikova, I. (2001) “Developping a European Gateway for Youth Social Inclusion Programmes”, London: Raleigh International,
Halba, B. (2014 ), From altruism to otherness, Traditiones- Ljubljana: Institute of Slovenian Ethnology SRS SASA, (Slovenia), 2/2014, pp 67 à 83.
Halba, B. (2014 ) - Volunteering – an alternative pedagogical strategy to combat Early School Leaving and to enhance Success at School, - publié pour la revue slovène Šolsko polje , Ljubljana: Educational Research Institute, septembre 2014.
Halba, B. (2011b) : Valuing volunteering : a major issue for the European Year of Volunteering , Communication for the Final conference of the VALUE project, Liverpool: University of Liverpool:
Halba, B. (2011), Guide pratique du bénévolat, Paris : Larousse.
Halba, B. (2006), Gestion du bénévolat et du volontariat, Bruxelles : De Boeck
Halba, B. (2003), Bénévolat et volontariat en France et dans le monde, Paris : La Documentation française
Halba, B. et al. (ed), (2001) Volunteering : an opportunity for youngsters in Europe, Paris: iriv
Halba, B. et al (ed), (2007), “Vaeb- Assessing a Voluntary Experience”, Paris: iriv, VAEB project
Huber J. & Reynolds C. (2014), Developing Intercultural competence through education, Strasbourg: Council of Europe
Kennett (D. A), (1980), Developments in the Theory of Public and Private Redistribution, New York: American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Ministère de léducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (2015), Le socle commun de connaissances, de compétences et de culture, Paris: MEN
Nau (X), Les inégalités à l’école, Conseil éconopmique, social et environnemental, Paris, 2011.
OECD, PISA 2012 Results in Focus (2013) “What 15-year-olds know and what they can do with what they know”, Paris: OECD
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Schröer, R. (2004)« Voluntary service : opening doors to the future – The integration of Young People from Disavantaged Backgrounds in Transnational Voluntary service », Brussels : Association of Voluntary Service organisations (AVSO)
Stolle, D. (2003), The sources of social capital, in: Hooghe, Marc and Stolle, Dietlind, (eds) Generating Social Capital, New York: Palgrave McMillan,
Thelot , C. (2004), Rapport de la commission du débat national sur l’avenir de l’école , Paris : La Documentation française
Thomas, J.W (2000), A review of research on project-based learning, San Rafael (USA) :Autodesk Foundation